Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Easton is 2 months old!

They always tell you to cherish every moment becuase time flies and you really don't know until you are living it and let me tell you, it's so true! It seems like we were just coming home from the hospital and now my baby is 2 months old.

It's been so fun to watch him grow the last month. He's really starting to fill out going from that "I could quite possibly be breakable" look to "Let's Play!" look. Here's my top 10 favorite things I'm going to remember from this month:

10. Every time I get ready to feed Easton (as he's screaming so loud the people in the next town can hear him) he puts his hands by his mouth not letting you put the bottle in but gets so mad because he is SOOOO hungry. Silly boy!

9. I love just kissing on his little feet. There's nothing like baby feet.

8. He's holding his head up like such a big boy - he's been doing this literally from day 1 but now he moves around and is looking everywhere. We call him our little bobble head!

7. He is cooing up a storm. It's so funny when he all of the sudden lets out this big sigh of a coo. Too cute!

6. He loves to play on his play mats now. He beats the heck out of the frog (which Justin thinks looks scary and that's why he does it) and the rattle but he has a good time doing it.

5. I love that when we rock he puts his little head up in the nook of my chin and snuggles with me. LOVE THIS!

4. He's such a good baby - typically the only time he'll cry is when he needs changed or fed.

3. He LOVES bath time! Doesn't really like the whole getting OUT of the bath time though...

2. One of the best things to watch is when him and Justin are spending time together. It's fun to see how he just watches Justin (I'm sure a trend that's going to last for a long time).

1. He has really started to smile A LOT this month...this is probably my favorite thing. It melts my heart every time I'm holding him or playing with him and he looks at me and flashes a BIG smile. Ahhhh.

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