Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Turning two - going back to ONE

It's really hard to believe that in 2 weeks my little man will be two.  Where or where has time gone?  I was doing some planning for his 2nd birthday party last night and took some time to look through his 1st birthday pictures again and my heart just melts.  He has grown up so much in the last year - walking all over the place (more like running), saying LOTS more other than just "hi", riding around on his 4-wheeler, doing everything daddy does, mowing, eating like a big boy - my list could go on and on!

Here's to looking back at his 1st birthday and welcoming the 2nd!

Love you bubby!


I realized today that I have this deep void in my life - it's the fact that I haven't been able to do ANY blogging for months and I miss it!

With Pinterest being a daily addiction I thought I'd contribute to the addicting site and add a few things which need to be linked back to a site of sorts so...I am going to do some adding of pictures/events from the past that I didn't get to blog about!

Here we go!